
logo schmogo

In Business related, En general on 24/11/2009 at 7:10 pm

the last couple of weeks there has been a huuuge discussion in my company concerning… our LOGO!

And since there is 8 of us deciding getting to an agreement is veryvery difficult(could almost say imposssssible!!). And to be honest – I think we will not agree until we actually get together for a day and discuss every detail about how we all see the company and then we actually might start agreeing. But I certainly have learned a lot about logos;)


I guess the most important things about choosing a logo is that you all agree on the basic future strategies of the company and therefore also on the aspirations and future of the company. Then the following should be quite easy – to write out the words that you think should characterize your logo. Because when people are looking at the logo of your company(or organisation) they do get an idea of what they think your company is about. If the logo is not actually representing your company or is very regular and plain then people will either be disappointed – or worst of all the options – will not recognise and remember it at all.


The next step(after you all have agreed on the first step) is to also think of symbols you might think the philosophy of your company might represent – my friends, who has a production company in Wales, have chosen a fox as their symbol, because it represents clever ideas and on the same time (in Britain) is also very classy. The logo of Universal includes a globe and everyone understands that it’s a worldwide company. Virgin is bold, classy and innovative in its red. There are loads of examples of well-chosen logos that reflect the stage where the company is on the given moment as well as where the company wants to develop in the future.


Find a professional – your friend, your colleague, from the internet, yellow pages – wherever. The important thing is then that the designer understands your vision and you trust their taste. Good idea is also ask examples from more than one designer – quite often you yourself have probably no idea what you want and during the process itself you might start to understand your likes and dislikes.

Good luck!

Some ideas for start from the film world:

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